The Philosophical Significance of Trump's Wall: A Foreign Physician's Perspective


    As a foreign physician who has worked in the United States for the culmination of the past two years, my observations of the American political and social dynamics have been deeply intertwined with the fervent discussions as well as the significant impact of U.S. immigration policies on my professional and personal growth. It has prompted me to explore the philosophical underpinnings of one of the most controversial symbols in recent American political discourse: Trump’s wall. Herein, I delve into the broader sociological and philosophical significance of this physical structure by drawing upon historical and contemporary theories to unlock its implications.


    As the British historian Arnold Toynbee posits, the concept of "etherealization," or progressive simplification, offers a compelling lens to examine modern technological and political evolutions. Toynbee suggests that human progress is marked by our ability to achieve increasingly more and more with less and less—where the means become more compact, yet the outcomes expand dramatically. As technology advances, it encapsulates complexity within simplicity, creating a growing epistemological gap between the creators of technology and the general populace. This phenomenon is evident from the steam engine to modern computing, where powerful laptops offer capabilities unimaginable in the past when vast rooms were needed for less powerful computers. In the past, the workings of machines and systems were more transparent and understandable to the layperson. Now, the sophistication of advanced technologies like the silicon M chips produced by Apple is beyond the grasp of most, including large corporations outside the tech sector. 


    This distancing is also mirrored in the realm of political technology. Over the decades, the average citizen has become increasingly detached from the intricate decisions made by politicians and government executives. Today, most people receive fragmented updates about government actions through mediums like social media or television, which often provide oversimplified summaries without context. The true understanding of governmental operations now demands an expertise in political science, law, and history that is beyond most citizens.

    Amidst this backdrop of complexity and detachment, conspiracy theories have flourished. They serve as a cognitive tool that simplifies and explains governmental actions in terms that are digestible to the average citizen, albeit often inaccurately. These theories fill the vacuum created by the epistemological gap, offering a false but comforting sense of understanding and control. It is in this context that the construction of Trump's wall takes on profound philosophical significance. Unlike the ethereal decisions cloaked in political discourse and bureaucratic processes, the wall is a more real and straightforward structure than, say, a statute indirectly limiting the number of H1B foreign workers, which cannot be directly measured by the average Joe. Its physical presence allows people to literally see and touch a governmental action, thereby narrowing the gap between government operations and public understanding.

    Trump’s wall thus symbolizes a shift towards making political actions more palpable and comprehensible. It resonates with the public’s desire for transparency and simplicity in governance—qualities that foster a sense of involvement and control. In essence, the wall challenges the trend of political etherealization and suggests a new paradigm where political promises and outcomes are directly observable and verifiable.


    Reflecting on these considerations, I find that Trump's wall's significance extends far beyond its immediate political and practical implications. It's been increasingly intriguing to ponder the nature of future promises that conservative politicians in America might make. Will they continue to seek plain, physically present, and/or straightforward solutions that resonate with a public weary of opaque political maneuvers? The precedent set by Trump's wall suggests that future political strategies might increasingly need to satisfy the public's demand for simplicity. 

    As a foreign physician trying to immigrate to the U.S. while observing these dynamics, I recognize the importance of understanding the philosophical dimensions of such political action, as they profoundly affect both individual and collective well-being. In my opinion, this phenomenon further represents a critical historical checkpoint in the evolving relationship between citizens and their governments, an impending sign for political structures to bridge the growing divide.


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